Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What WOULD you do?

I've just been watching a special called "What Would You Do." While I think setting people up to look foolish or rude and insensitive is a pretty crappy thing, it does make the mind wonder.
If you saw someone being treated badly in a public place, would you involve yourself or pretend to not see? If you went on a blind date and the date wasn't a very attractive person, would you give them a chance?
Human nature is pretty interesting. It is always fascinating to me to watch others and how they deal with their fellow man.
I used to think it was a character flaw that I had that I couldn't just mind my own business. I'm now wondering if perhaps more people need to actively engage in injustices they see. I've always thought Brett Butler was pretty cool to say she thought it her God given duty to call attention to the Butt Heads of the world. I guess the real kicker is to be able to do so without becoming one yourself. There is an old expression that says someone is so glib they can tell you to go to the devil and make you happy to make the trip.
One of my cyber friends helped a woman in trouble while she was out on a family outing with her children. I commend this behavior because I think it is more the exception than the rule.
Believe me, I understand in this litigious society we live in, it does make you pause to think about the repercussions of "getting involved." But I keep going back to the statement I heard after September 11th. Rats run away from a burning building, heroes rush inside.
Hopefully, I can remind myself each and every day to be the messenger of random acts of kindness. Sometimes the smallest gesture can reap the greatest reward. And those things we do and tuck away in our heart of hearts can warm us at times when we doubt our own and others humanity.
I hope that God will remind me daily to look outside myself and try to see a need much greater than my own. And, I hope He will also give me the resources to try to meet that need. Sometimes just engaging a fellow shopper in casual conversation can mean the world to someone who doesn't have a lot of people interested in what they have to say. A smile is contagious so spread the disease. Have you ever seen a baby in a shopping cart that could resist smiling at you if you make eye contact with them?
All of us know what Jesus would do - let us work on what we would do.

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