Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Oh yeah and one more thing

I'll admit it, I am a reality show junkie. I know that stuff is drivel and tripe but sometimes it makes me forget my own stupid little problems for a little while.
I want you to know that I thought I was going to climb through my flat screen and grab that crummy little Bachelor by the throat and squeeze the insignificant life out of him. What a jerk! I knew when he practically threw himself off the balcony after kicking Molly to the curb that something was badly out of whack in his cranium. But I ask you does a person have that kind of reaction to someone leaving only to turn around and ask someone else to marry them, only to break it off 6 weeks (or however long it was), to asking the second best girl to take him back? Here's my theory: Jason doesn't really actually want to be with ANYONE and he is quite the little drama queen himself. Melissa got the crap kicked out of her unnecessarily (after all, he didn't HAVE to propose), not all of them do. But she will find someone else who is great for her. And then there's Molly the Stupid whose only real goal in the deal was to WIN. And she's so clueless, she thinks she has. After all Jason's protestations on how he KNEW how it felt to be humiliated and hurt in front of everyone, he just couldn't restrain himself from doing it to someone else. A more appropriate thing to do would have been to toss Deanna out on her fanny when she came to visit and advise in the final episode. I think Jason is happy with his little life just the way it is and I personally don't think anyone is ever going to be good enough for him (in his own mind.) And once Molly realizes that being a "mommy" is sometimes messy, stressful and uncomfortable, she's going to step out of those stilettos, don her track shoes and run for the hills.

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