Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Oh my aching feet!

Well 2 days on a step ladder balancing a paint can can certainly get your attention in the feet. I have been wearing my sneakers with the orthotics inside, but it doesn't seem to be helping. It might make a difference if there were any chairs to sit in and take a break but they moved them all upstairs and the staircase is steep and the steps are narrow so I'm afraid to give that a try with feet that are numb.
We got a lot done today. Lots of windows washed and then it rained (yuck yuck). I finished the painting in 2 offices and half of the cut in work in the front reception area. Ran the Hyla over the exceedingly nasty carpet in one office and extreme Yuck was found there.
Hopefully, tomorrow will finish out the painting because I don't think I'm good to go for much longer.
Must go and get myself ready to hit the hay.
Peace and hair grease my friends!

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