Monday, February 2, 2009

The Worry Factor

I am so fortunate to be the age I am and still have my mom around. Not only do I have her but I have her younger sister as well. Mom and her sister have always been really close. One of those I can talk about her but no one else can types of relationships. The have had some of the most amazing cat fights I have ever witnessed but I think the shared hardships of their growing up forged a bond deeper than even they realize.
And, here I sit in the middle of the distance between them geographically. I am actually closer in distance to my aunt than my mom, but I feel like the relay station on the prarie sometimes.
My uncle died last year after a lengthy illness and since his passing my aunt has had some interesting times. I know she is lonely but she resists having anyone come and stay with her. Now she is seeing people in her house at night. Not the same people everynight but a wide and diverse grouping of characters pay her nocturnal visits.
I talked to her today about these manifestations and to my relief she realizes that they aren't really there, however, she refuses to accept that she might be dreaming. I was further relieved to know that she does accept the fact that she is hallucinating. I think this is a positive thing. At least she is willing to admit that her "guests" aren't actually flesh and blood people. I have encouraged her to go to the doctor and tell him what is happening and to tell him about all her medications and when she takes them and how she takes them. Since I don't think she enjoys regular nightcaps I have to think some of her meds are not playing nicely together.
I truly wish she and my mom would find a nice little house here in Fort Smith together where I could worry about them during a 20 minute drive as opposed to trips that take all day and night or 1/2 a day.
I also really hope that when the time comes for me to become such a worry to my kids they will push me off a cliff somewhere. :) I'm kidding......sort of. I really don't ever want to get to the point in life that I can't just be responsible for myself.
Afterthought......I am reporting tomorrow for real jury duty so I should get some good stories out of this new experience!

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