Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Changes and Updates

I have removed the "Praying for Harper" link - she is going home tomorrow to her own house with her mommy and daddy and there she will meet her fuzzy brother Dawson. Thank you to everyone who took a moment to look at this blog and offer prayer for this little girl. She is a true miracle baby and I am very happy for her whole family.
I spent the day today with Debbra (Tommy Jack's girlfriend) and she is really good for my spirits. We had lunch, went to Angie's salon to look over my jewelry and then......we spent quite a lot of time in a local tattoo parlor. Don't panic, my body is still unembellished! Debbra's brother died a while back and she and her daughter wanted to do something permanent to honor him so they had a momento of something special to him placed on their persons. Actually if you've never been in a tattoo establishment, they are pretty interesting. I can check this experience off my "bucket list." I had no idea they let you watch them tattoo. You can stand outside the room and view the work in progress through a window. It was weird. I didn't know if it was more like a "peep" show or people viewing babies at the nursery. I'M KIDDING!!! Please don't send hate mail :)
I also got a nice email from my former boss who leaves tomorrow for France to attend culinary school. Wow! What a culture shock! What an opportunity! I hope it turns out to be everything he hopes for.
This is a busy month for me. And it is a short month. Our family has loads of anniversaries this month. I never realized we were such romantic people :) And we have birthdays as well. I have the U-Verse people coming Friday and Kody has a band concert tomorrow night.
I think I'm going to shut down for this evening and put myself to bed. Peace and Love everyone.


Paula said...

wow-Ive never watched someone get a tattoo either. But it would be interesting, Im sure. Glad you had a nice day...

Unknown said...

They wound up blocking at work, so I can only view blogspot blogs when I'm at home. I guess I was looking at it too much! Thanks for coming to G's assembly. She was very excited.