Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's V Day at the Kiddie Corral

Happy Sweetheart's Day everyone! I hope cupid shoots your main squeeze right in the hindquarters and causes them to bring you lots of evidence of their love for you.
As for me and my house, we will be spending Valentine's Day with our favorite sweethearts, our grandkids. We will be hosting Kaleb for a while today while his mom gets people beautiful for their romantic "dates" and then Genevieve and Audrey will be coming this afternoon sometime to spend the night. Their parents are going to spend some quality one on one time with each other. I did manage to get out long enough to "score" a Valentine card for Roger so at least he won't go unnoticed. I've been busy building a little simple website for my jewelry biz. Check it out at I'm not finished with it, I hope to include a gallery that shows some of the pieces as well. I'm hoping to accomplish a couple of things here. 1st to showcase my pieces and 2nd to maybe drive some walk-in business to Angie's salon. Her location for walk in trade is not the best since there just isn't a lot of trade type business close to her. But, maybe we can both benefit from just a little advertising.
I'm excited to know that the Fort Smith School system has corresponded with my references on my application. Maybe that will turn into something positive as well. I am at the point right now that I just can't afford to put all my eggs in one basket for fear someone will trip and break them.
I am very frustrated trying to write closed to the Bellah's chapter of my book. There is a small project that got dropped which has the potential to become a huge messy deal. Since I am the only person of contact these people have they are looking to me for answers. And, since my reputation matters to me I am going to fix it at some personal expense. I'm just really tired of hearing how they just don't really care if something is messed up or not. There! Done with that.
Roger and I watched an in home demonstration for a Pro-Aqua last night and I really wish we were in a position to get one of these right now. I'm not interested in the whole vacuum system part, but the air filtration would really be great for us I think. I have Kaylee's old Hyla unit and I run it from time to time but it is pretty loud and since Roger is here all day trying to make business calls, etc. it just isn't too practical to use. The Pro-Aqua has a variable speed motor and runs super quiet.
Well, I guess I'd better go do something productive like nail down breakables before the kiddoes get here. Just kidding, they are all really good for us but I do think they might enjoy a new movie and some new coloring books.
Happy Valentine's Day. Consider yourself KISSED!

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