Saturday, February 14, 2009

Leaving V Day behind and sneaking up on St. Pat

Well, Valentine's Day is but a memory. I hope your Sweetheart memories are good enough for the book of your life. We have had a great time with the G-children. The coughing of their Pawpaw is even wearing on their nerves. :)
Now it's time to see how many of us have the luck 'o the Irish. Remember to dig out your green wear for St. Paddy's Day. Pssssst.....I have a lovely green necklace and earrings for sale at Pure Bliss if you are needing to accessorize an ordinary green outfit.
I'm going now to try to get the girls to close those little eyes and go nitey night. Meemaw is very tired now and needs to rest. We had a great time this evening making up fractured lyrics to the song "The Wind Beneath My Wings". Some of our best were, The Wind inside my beans, the holes inside my cheese, the green within my peas, the itch that comes with fleas, the scrapes on top of knees, the arms within my sleeves. We've gotta million of 'em and we'll be here all week, folks!
Peace -

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