Friday, February 20, 2009

Crawling back over the rim of the bowl

Well, I'm almost finished with my PITY party, not quite but almost. I'm going to pout for a little while longer and then I'll be done.
I think maybe I've done a bad thing. When both of us became unemployed I decided to try to make my thyroid medication last as long as possible. It isn't really expensive but I thought maybe I could manage without taking it everyday. Guess what....I think perhaps I shouldn't have done that. Obviously if one doesn't have a thyroid gland, one needs to make allowances for that. I know it was foolish but I really didn't think it would matter that much. Someone quick revoke my layman's medical license.
On a happier note.....I have now placed a pretty good little inventory in Angie's shop. I have punch cards that I use for customers. So if you would like a punch card for purchase or know people who like jewelry ALOT, let me know and I'll send you some cards to have on hand. I would really like this to take off. My pieces are all really pretty and different. I'm going to attach the website to this blog as well. I am trying to take pictures of some of the prettiest items to post there. Hopefully, I can start moving this and it will also increase the traffic to Pure Bliss too.
Two of my darling granddaughters have been sick with stomach stuff and I feel so bad for them. I know how it feels to be sick at school, kids can be so cruel. I'll never forget the day I needed to go to the restroom really bad and the teacher wouldn't let me go because we were cleaning out our desks. Our desks were the kind that had a chair with a desk top attached to it via an arm on one side and the little bin that held your books was under the chair. In those days, we wore the big dresses with petticoats. I was in terrible pain so I spread my dress out and went in the floor and soaked it up with notebook paper. I was so embarrassed, but there was nothing else I could do. Fortunately for me, kids were not so quick to make fun for each other then and my classmates helped me hide the evidence. I've never forgiven that teacher and never forgotten how miserable it is to be powerless against someone willing to exercise their ultimate control over you.
Hopefully the tummy bug is gone now and everyone is feeling MUCH better, I sure hope so because they all have a big dance to go to this weekend. :)

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