Monday, May 25, 2009

Jon and Kate need a break

Just watched the season opener for J&K+8. Admittedly, part of the reason I watched was due to all the media frenzy of late surrounding the did he cheat, does she cheat stuff. Honestly I know that the media can whip anything into a big hairball and leave people reeling, picking up the pieces and wondering what in the crap happened.
However, that being said, I have to make a few observations.
First of all, what started out as a good idea took on a life of its' own and just like a snowball rolling downhill turned into an avalanche that consumed a family.
Secondly, I have had some problems with the way Kate interacts with her husband for quite some time now. Saying that, I realize that having 8 children demands that you be super-organized and in charge. However, a truly smart woman knows how to stay in charge while making her husband think he is. Jon is belittled at every turn, criticized and countermanded in every thing he does. If you are a student of people and body language you would have noticed him over the past year shrinking into himself. He all but flinches when she speaks.
I think maybe Kate has fallen in love with her own press and notoriety. I think she likes being the center of attention. I noticed in tonight's show how many times she made a point of saying "I'm doing this all by myself." Come on now....she hasn't done anything all by herself for years. Her over the top hyperactive demeanor at the birthday party was painful to watch.
If she is truly "in this" for her children would this not have been a perfect opportunity to reach out to their father (who looked lost as lost can be.)
I have always been impressed with how happy and well rounded those children are, but look out! This will have rippling repercussions if not handled right.
I will say sure made me think about the way I speak to my own husband and how I make him feel at times. Let's face it, men are pretty inept most of the time but we don't have to point it out and make them feel small. I found myself wishing Jon would just say "Kate, shut the hell up for a minute!" Who knows, she just might have done it, or she would have bitch slapped him for his trouble. Either way, something would have happened.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Im really conflicted. I used to watch the show, then I stopped bc I thought she was being too mean and I, myself (like most women) have to try hard to show RESPECT towards my I struggled watching them. On the other hand, Jon could have just stood up to Kate, asked for counseling or something. Instread (apparently) he just started going out at night, looking for companionship/women who think he's cool and who dont gripe at him. Who knows what the truth is, but just from what I have seen and heard, it sounds like he got fed up and didnt give them much of a chance. Also, I struggle with-if the SHOW ruined their life, then why not quit the show, focus on the marriage and getting their life back to how they want it. Sounds like Jon wanted to quit the show and Kate didnt-if my marriage were in shambles, I like to think I'de give up the house, cars, etc, quit the whatever I had to do to get the focus back on the family. They keep saying they are doing this all for the kids. But honestly, thats why alot of marriage fail. The *marriage* should come first...then the "kids" part should fall into place.
Whatever happens...its all very sad and my heart hurts for them.