Wednesday, May 20, 2009

People With Loads of Nerve

Today I received a call from an ex-associate whom I have not heard from in months wanting me to step back into an old situation and fix something for them. I am usually all over the helping out thing (I secretly have a deep seeded desire to be a hero.) I was sooooo proud of myself when I surprised myself by saying "Nah, I'm not interested in getting involved in that again." Wow! What an empowering word NO is! I didn't even make any excuses for saying no.
After I hung up the phone I started to get angry that someone would think so little of me after such a long association that they would try to continue to take advantage of me and my usual willingness to help.
It just reinforces for me that no one will take advantage of you like a so-called friend. Notice I didn't say simply "friend" for a good friend tries hard to make sure that the balance of favors stays pretty equally distributed. It is those fair weather, fly by night, smile to your face and stab you in the back friends that will get to you every time.
It made me stop and count my "true" friends and remind myself how lucky I am to have them. So to all my good and true friends, thank you heaps and I love you!


Paula said...

Good for you!

By the way, I got my eye primer. How much do I owe you?

Donna said...

From you last post, I thought you were going to post about knitting. I love to crochet, but don't actually do it often.