Thursday, May 7, 2009

Over a Thousand

When I first started my blog I was never sure if anyone visited or not. Then I got smart and put a counter on it. Today I noticed that I have had over 1000 visits to my blog! Of course I realize that probably 888 of those are me going back and forth with myself but I was still happy to see that number.
It has been a strange day. I didn't feel 100% all day which usually makes me cranky. Then I somehow managed to have a 2 hour long inane conversation about something that didn't matter in the slightest. I was pulled off task more than several times today which frustrates me because I usually have a goal for the day (things I want to get accomplished) and then in spite of being worn out, I went to Southside's Band Concert which was also senior night. Kody was playing and I love to hear his band perform so that was good. However, on to my daily rant.
Southside had over 50 seniors who have almost all managed to accumulate tremendous honors, awards and scholarships. These are wonderful things and those kids deserve all the praise in the world. However, after sitting through almost 2 hours of music (enjoyable) but boy is it hard to sit that long, they brought each senior up on stage. Then they proceeded to read where they were going to college, what their major would be and how many dollars in scholarships each was getting. Okay, let's do the math 52 seniors + 1 minute of talking points each = almost 1 full hour. Then it was back to the music. The various band directors could have shaved at least 1/2 hour off this evening by not having to ALL stand up and make little funny comments and repeat the things they say at EVERY single band event. If I were asked (and assuredly I won't be) I would recommend that they bring the seniors on stage and announce their names, applause, applause, applause, sit down. All the information they read could be in print form and inserted into the program that is handed out at the event. Again, I am blown away with the quality of kids they have in their band program and I applaud their accomplishments, but really, most people couldn't give a rat's patoot about anyone other than the person they came to see perform. And on the offhand chance they do, having that information printed would give them the chance to have that knowledge but they could also share it with other interested people since it would be in print. I just think 3 hours is a bit much to ask people to endure on a work day/school night.
The various bands sounded great though and the music was really enjoyable. I wish I hadn't had the worst case of "creepy leg" I'm sure people sitting around me were convinced I had Tourettes.

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