Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ugly People

For several months I have been following a blog called Kelly's Korner. Kelly is the mother of Harper who we all prayed for several months ago. Kelly's testimony about her faith in God is the most amazing thing I've ever witnessed. She prayed for a baby and rejoiced when she found out she was pregnant. The baby was born big and beautiful. Then she developed problems. They kept Harper in a coma state for quite a while giving her lungs time to develop. During this point, Kelly's faith in the healing powers of God never waivered. And not only did she pray for her own child, she prayed fervently for the other children in the NICU and even for the girls who still hadn't conceived a baby of their own. I honestly think Kelly's knees have calluses on them from petition heaven so often.
Harper finally thrived enough to go home from the hospital and is doing quite well. She is finally sleeping through the night. Recently Kelly posted on her blog how great it was to have Harper sleeping peacefully through the night for everyone's sake. She received some really hateful comments about how she shouldn't be complaining about anything concerning her child.
Give me a break. Not only is it good for parents to have a happy peaceful child who can rest through the night, it is also good for the child. Anyone who has 1/2 a brain can read Kelly's posts and see her heart and faith shining through like a beacon.
I guess the adage that opinion are like ___________ everyone has one is certainly true. I guess I should be more careful, if people can take offense to Kelly, I would really set their hair on fire.

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