Thursday, April 16, 2009

Kiss your Jackass goodbye!

He's gone from Dancing With The Stars and my excitement is boundless. My only hope is that they don't decide to recruit either Johnny Obnoxiousville or the little short guy to be on the next season. I was really sick of Steve-O's leering into the camera and making little double entendre jokes that were funny only to himself.
As much as I will hate it Ty is probably next to go. He is just too adorable for words but he will really have to shake the rosin from his butt and limber up those cute little bowlegs to stay with his competition.
I've already informed Roger that if Gilles calls I'm leaving with him. Although I have to say his wife is probably more in danger of him leaving with Cheryl than me. ;)
I am very tired of the cool damp weather, it seems to have settled into my bones and I can't get warm. And I'm further sick of this persistent sore throat that I can't get rid of. My cough is better but my throat feels like I've run a wire brush down it.
My family is feeling the power of your prayers, we have had some very positive things happen in the past couple of weeks. Still experiencing those wonderful challenges but the strength we are gaining from our friends is heartening.

1 comment:

Lmiyagi said...

Just know I'm sending prayers for your family and Amanda!!
THe power of pray is amazing. Love to all. LMiyagi