Monday, April 20, 2009

I seriously know someone named Croydon

Of course, it is well documented that I have immersed myself in genealogy of late. Recently, I received an email from the UK from a well removed relative from the far back side of my family tree. His name is Croydon Onyett and he lives in Huntingdonshire England. Well, my excitement just about went atomic! Because the only thing better than tracing my family lineage and "Dancing With The Stars" is my complete addiction to the "Tudors." And the good queen Katharine of Aragon spent quite a bit of her exile in Huntingdonshire. Of course that creep Cromwell was running around like a bloody nuisance in that area as well. However, I am pleased to report that it looks like his number is just about to come up with crazy King Henry as well.
Anyway, Croydon is giving me quite a history lesson in my family and it is pretty neat to have someone that you actually know across the big water, even if you don't know them personally.
I heard from my ex-boss today and he is still LOVING France alot. His mom and her best friend are coming to see him in two weeks so he will be driving them around the countryside. He also said his wife and boys will be coming in June and I know that he is really looking forward to seeing his family. He sent me a picture of a very ugly chicken that he was about to prepare in class today. Poor thing still had all its' parts (the chicken, not Terry) well, come to think of it Terry still probably has all his parts too. He said he had 10 days break from class for Easter break and I'm figuring he really enjoyed having some time off.
Guess I'll go, the mornings come awfully quickly these days!

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