Monday, December 1, 2008

Saving a Buck

Over the Thanksgiving holidays, I was disturbed to hear about people who were injured and even killed during the crazed event known as "Black Friday."
One has to wonder exactly what creates such a frenzy among what one hopes are usually sane people. Since most of us overspend at Christmas anyway, how much of a savings can precipitate the need to camp out in the cold and then stampede like cattle in a thunderstorm.
Is this the result of "herd" mentality? Have we reduced ourselves to little more than sheep blindly crowding into pens for slaughter? Or are we so completely numb to the "what ifs" of our behavior that we cease to think rationally?
I believe that had I have been in that crowd at Wal-Mart and knew that someone died I would have a difficult time ever getting over it.
However along with the crowds of senseless shoppers there are others to share the blame. First of all, if stores can "slash" their prices for holiday shopping, couldn't they have some decent discounts all along? And the media.....I hate to even get started on my soapbox there. The same people who make elections last for years by analyzing, critiquing and denegrating can work the public into a froth. Perhaps if we weren't told that prices were good for "1 DAY ONLY!" we might have more sense.
But ultimately, the responsibility lies with us. It is our job to behave like human beings, not savages. That same HDTV that we are so driven to obtain the day after Thanksgiving may very well be drastically discounted after Christmas as well. And frankly, given the state of our world, our country and our economy I would like to see people decide to work really hard to recapture the whole meaning of Christmas. Chances are none of those people who rushed the doors of Wal-mart were doing so to buy items for the poor, the sick or the homeless. They were rushing to purchase for people who more than likely, have too much, eat too much and appreciate too little. I still remember Christmas as a little girl when most of my gifts were much needed clothes. My best package came in the mail from my grandmother. The big boot box was filled with books, a box of chocolate covered cherries, a Lifesaver "book" and some item that grandma made with her own hands. As a child I had no use for a toilet paper roll cover constructed from a doll body with a crocheted skirt but she made it. And she made it just for me. At the time, it never crossed my mind that she had made dozens of them and everyone in the family got the same thing. All I cared about was the fact that she remembered me and cared enough to make something for me. I would give anything to be able to look forward to seeing that boot box arrive in the mail this Christmas.
As we all ratchet up for Christmas, I hope we can approach it with peaceful calm. De-stress the event as much as you can. Remember Jesus was born in a lowly stable with little comfort and He was a King. Without Him, there would be no Christmas.

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