Friday, December 5, 2008

The Clock is Ticking

I'm starting to regret putting that Christmas countdown counter on my blog. It has started to infect me with a real sense of urgency. It also seems like it is moving at light speed toward the point of no return. Don't get me wrong. I have done some things to prepare, but I'm just not motivated enough.
I have a couple of little things to do today and then I'm really going to start getting serious about my house decorating. I don't know if I will be able to do anything outside, but I can at least get my tree up and decorated.
Since no one hardly ever comments on The Cherry Bowl, I challenge you to leave a comment and tell me what you want Santa to bring you this year. I'll start.
This year for Christmas, I want blogger comments.


Lmiyagi said...

I was glad to read your comments on Christmas count down, Ha I'm not the only one to not be motivated to get decorations up. But finally put out my little tree, not to find the rest of the decorations. I'm not working but still seem to drag my feet about getting ready for that busy day. I'm to have several old friends over for a light meal on Christmas Day. Wish it was you & Roger. There is one wish. Another is for the weather to be good so we can drive to NE to my parents. Back to decorating!!

LKB said...

Ah, and Roger and I would love to see you and Dan as well. Here's hoping you get to make a trip to Nebraska. I guess I will wait until after Christmas and go see my mom. Maybe Feb. that would be a nice birthday gift for me.
Love ya loads.