Friday, December 5, 2008


Thought I would share about the picture with the orange sky and rock mountains. I painted this picture a couple of months ago and recently took a picture of it, uploaded it to Blingee (blinkee?) and added the Santa hat to the orb and made it snow on the mountains. Fun stuff, I never knew Blogging could be so interesting. Maybe my new job will be Blog worthy as well. Maybe I'll call it Green with ivy!
I am working on another landscape. This one is a little more detailed. Mountains, meadows, a barn and a path. I really like it so far but I will probably not get back around to painting on it until after the holidays.
Tomorrow I am going to measure my future office and pick out paint for it. I'm excited to see what my choices are, hopefully there will be one that that just screams ME! I also am going to Angie's Christmas open house at her salon. I think my good friend Judy and my darling daughter are going with me so I'm excited about having a girl's day out.
Went and let Debbra cut my hair today - it was getting a little out of control.
Just watched the creepiest movie on TV. It was called The Strangers. Just about scared me out of my pajamas. Speaking of which.....Santa Baby, I need lounging britches, I've blown the seat out of 2 pair in the past 2 weeks. No, no, I'm quite sure I don't need to lose a few pounds.
Gotta go and put the bod to bed.
Smoochies! :)

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