Monday, November 29, 2010

It's Electrifying

I find it a bit odd that the electric company cannot speak to me regarding my bill because my name is not the one on the account. It matters not that I can give them the last 4 of the hubalumps social, know his mother's maiden name and can recite his list of scars, bruises and other identifying marks completely.
No, my name is not the one listed on the account, however, it is listed on the check I send you every danged month. As a matter of fact ONLY my name is on the check, therefore explain to me why you can accept MY check to pay HIS bill but you can't TALK to Me about His bill.
To make matters worse, I have specifically heard my husband give the electric company authorization to speak to me on numerous occasions. It boggles my mind that they are incapable of making a note in the file. Believe me, you should be glad that I try to take care of this stuff for him, since he has a tendency to "forget" little things like utilities, etc. Of course, it would be me that would be left in the dark wouldn't it?
There is no one more appreciative of the protecting our identity system, but really....
Till the next time something really ticks me off or tickles my funny bone.....
Peace Out Friends!

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