Friday, November 19, 2010

Fly The Friendly Skies

So flying these days is getting to be more and more problematic. At one time, we could walk in an airport on a whim and catch a flight to practically anywhere. Our luggage wasn't a problem. What you didn't check you could carry on and in our carry on luggage we could take our knitting, crocheting, cross stitching, etc. Anything we might want or need to pass the time away while airborne.
Then came 9-11 and several subsequent attempts by idiots to make us feel threatened and suddenly flying became not only dangerous but downright exclusive as well.
Already a little pricey, it got to the point of a person needing to be independently wealthy to book a flight.
We went from being able to iron, fold and carefully pack our clothes, lock our suitcase and put it on a plane to the current situation. Now, they open your suitcase, paw through your personal items, turn everything upside down and then cram it all back in. We would be better off just taking a bunch of dirty clothes and throwing them in our suitcase and hitting a laundromat at our destination.
And Heaven forbid you have anything that might be construed as a potential weapon. I'm still not sure why my hand lotion has been deemed deadly but OH WELL.
Your carry on needs to fit under the seat in front of you - completely. Or you can cram it in the overhead bin and run the risk of bolting off the airplane and forgetting about it entirely.
Lately, every time I have flown I have been chosen for a pat down. Honestly, do I look that dangerous? If I committed a crime I wouldn't be able to move fast enough to avoid arrest.
But now, they are doing the body scans and what the media refers to as "groping" the passengers. People are incensed and should be. If I were one of the people having to pat people down I'd be incensed. There are just some people I wouldn't care to get that up close and personal with.
But, since people have tried to sneak on a plane with weapons in their shoes, baby diapers, underwear, etc. one does see the need for extreme caution.
I think I have come up with a perfect solution. Fly nude - no carry on. For those of a delicate persuasion - issue them a hospital johnny and paper slippers before embarking. Truly I think the hilarity of this would pretty much lighten the mood on any flight - think of the giggles one could get just watching people head to the restroom.
I defy a highjacker to seriously try to take over an airplane full of naked people. Not only that but some highjackers would be hesitant to get on a plane with the unclothed.
Our skies would become friendly again because who would want to call undue attention to themselves on an all nude flight. I for one would be trying to be as quiet and invisible as possible.
So...since I've always been told that less is more...I'm thinking less clothes, more safety.

....and how was your day? I would really like to know.

1 comment:

bettysue said...

Awe, it's time, time for you to go to "The Home". What a warped sense of humor you have, to even imagine a bunch of people naked!! It's just plain ole warped!!
Hmmm, might work though!!!!!
Love 'ya!