Saturday, November 6, 2010

And Man Made Fire!

Well, to be exact.....woman did this morning. I put a spark to the old gas logs this morning. I have to say the sight of those flames licking around the logs (fake though they may be) is a happy, homey sight. Makes me want to drag out my cross stitching or knitting and just craft the day away.
At the present moment I can get nowhere near my lovely little warming spot as the dogs did the equivalent of blissful sighs and settled in with their noses pressed as close to it as they could get. I have no idea what keeps a dog from spontaneously combusting. No matter how furry they are they love to get super close to the heat.
The sun is shining brightly and the sky is a beautiful blue - chances are we will have a pretty day and it will warm up outside, but for right now we are buttoned up and snoozing, drifting in and out of nappies.
Have a super Saturday and don't forget to set your clocks back tonight - AND remember it is going to be really really dark when you wake up in the morning. That is if you get up at the same time I do.
Peace Out!

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