Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister -


And Lord help the sister who comes between me and my man.

I didn’t grow up with a sister dang it!  I think it would have been so much fun to have someone to play dolls with.  To whisper to in bed at night.  To share my secrets with.  And more importantly, to have later in life to share encouragements, happy times and sad.

By now, G does not remember a time when A wasn’t around being her sister and A has known she had a sister her whole life.  They are close in age, different in personalities.  Similar and yet uniquely individual.  They argue, they hurt each other, they fight.  And something tells me if anyone ever crosses one of them they will have the wrath of the other to deal with.

I’m pretty sure these two don’t really appreciate each other right now, but surely as they grow they each will develop a deep and abiding understanding of that individual they call sister.

It has been fun watching them develop to this stage – I can’t wait for the rest of the ride!

1 comment:

Glenda Close said...

I feel so very blessed to have a sister! As your little girls, we fought and hurt each others feelings, growing up. Now, I would scratch the eyes out of anyone that hurt my sis! :). She is my best friend, and always, always willing to lend a helping hand, or just a shoulder to cry on. Thank you, Lavetta, for this thoughtful article!