Saturday, April 23, 2011

Something in Here Stinks to High Heaven!



Aside from all the truly sobering, sad, reflective and ultimately victorious meanings of Easter that make it such a wonderful holiday – especially for Christians – there are man made traditions that make it simply fun.

Kids get all excited about the Easter Bunny, dyeing colorful eggs and seeking them out in the hidden places said bunny has deposited them.  One of my favorite memories of childhood was the annual Easter egg hunt at Pringle Elementary School.  All the moms came to hide eggs and then the doors were thrown open and we ran like crazed things in search of hard boiled eggs.

One of my faults (or maybe it is a strength) is that in some things I am a purist.  I like real eggs instead of plastic; I like real grass in a basket and not that fake crinkly colored stuff.  ** ahem – part of the reason for this is that fake crinkly stuff kind of scares me but that’s a blog for a different day**

And….I believe in letting your children hide and re-hunt their eggs until the shells are nothing but fragile bits of brokeness having difficulty maintaining their shape.

Even children eventually tire of the hide and hunt and move on to other games and diversions.  But what about the poor eggs?

Make sure you don’t have the experience I had when my darling daughter was but a tot.  Once the game has lost its’ WOW factor – toss those eggs!  Otherwise in July you might notice a slightly nasty aroma wafting from a closet and discover a whole basket of Easter eggs whose nature has taken on a whole different flavor.  Peeyew – those eggs be stankin’!

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