Monday, April 11, 2011

Ricky Ticky Taxes



Tax Time!  And the fellowship said “Hallelujah!”  Aren’t we all glad that we again have the opportunity  to give back to our government that which has been so generously and lovingly given to us.

Oh, wait – let’s see….they gave me Unemployment times 2 and crooked Government contractors who won’t pay THEIR bills -  all at a time that I am too young for Social Security or Medicare and too old to be attractive in the hiring pool. YAY!!!!!!  Can you smell my enthusiasm?  Oops, that may be desperation you are smelling – right now they smell pretty much the same.

And recently, we went through the whole “we may have to shut down the government” thingie.  We were threatened with our military men and women not getting paid, but they were careful to let us know that Income Taxes would still be due.  In other words if you owe them – PAY UP and be DAMN QUICK ABOUT IT.  But if they owe you – it is a S O L situation.

But, I’m not bitter.  No, not even a little bit.  I’m just wondering how to obtain more than 1 voting identity (is it as easy as getting multiple email addresses?)  If it is – there will be a huge flushing sound come election day.

1 comment:

bettysue said...

So, so true! There are so many working folks out there, are waiting for their pay for work already done. By the government, for the government!! And then there are folks saying "No, I don't need any fresh eggs, I get mine from WIC", sure is something wrong with the system!