Friday, April 15, 2011

Baby Gag Gag

I wonder daily if I’m the only one who stumbles upon the strange and unusual?  Do other people encounter this stuff or am I just a magnet to the weird?

Take this item for instance.  Were you aware there is an ice cream shop in London, England that has come up with what could possibly be the strangest item for sale ever?

They are offering vanilla and lemon infused ice cream made from human breast milk.  It is a pricey little treat at $22.50 a serving.  The name of this frozen delicacy?  Baby Gaga.   Yes, they are also trying to cash in on Lady Gaga’s current popularity (which I have to say I don’t understand either, but each to their own.)

The Lady in question is threatening to sue for trademark infringement and the shop owner reports he is prepared to fight.

It is hard for me to pick a side in this one – the gag factor has me totally undone.


bettysue said...

YUKKY! Something just doesn't sound right, breastmilk ice cream? Don't think so!

LKB said...

How about CHOCOLATE breastmilk ice cream?

Donna said...

Who is pumping all that milk? Crazy stuff!
BTW, have you submitted colums to the Ark Demo Gazette?

LKB said...

Donna - this particular piece of trivia just left me with sooooo many questions. Like do they have breast milk dairies or do they just randomly canvas neighborhoods in search of lactacting mothers? I have not submitted to the Ark Democrat Gazette. I've tried to get the Greenwood Democrat and the Southwest Times Record interested in my stuff and can't get them to even answer an email and they are local.