Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Eight......er 12 ummmmmmmm 19 is ENOUGH!

Just read this morning that the Duggars (our own Arkansas reality show family) are expecting their 19th child. This child will be born 5 months AFTER their 1st grandchild.
I have always just kind of shrugged my shoulders about this family and decided that as long as they weren't all on welfare it was none of my business how large their family got. I didn't even poke fun when papa was running for political office and he splashed his large family all dressed alike on billboards across the region. However, I have counted to 3 and spoken my piece now.
I realize that I am a basically selfish person but I am selfish for other people too. I think children deserve to have their own birthdays because it is one day that they get to be the center of the world for a brief moment.
I think that everyone gets to have something "be about them" every now and then. I've certainly been told plenty of times that "it's not about me" so I'm thinking that occasionally it might just be about me.
I think that everyone deserves to have a brand new baby which is cherished and doted on for a while without the distraction of another one right on its' heels.
Okay by now I have probably stepped on a few toes and maybe some fingers and a dropped jaw or two. I'm not saying these things to anger anyone, but it is my Blog and therefore I get to express my opinions and I will fight to the death to defend your right to peacefully disagree with me.
The Duggar momma is 42 years old, she has 18 children the youngest of which is still nursing. It is time to say thanks but no thanks!
I don't care how understanding you are - if you are the daughter in law wouldn't you want your child to have the undivided attention of their grandmother. Even the couples youngest child who is still a baby will get mooooved aside by the stork's newest bundle. And personally at the age of 42 I would be ready to know that I could spend the next 17 years doing all the things that grandmas get to do without having to tote a baby on my hip. Mama Duggar will be 59 years old when her newest child graduates from high school. I'm 59 and I can't even imagine having to parent full time for any length of time. That being said if something happened to any of my children I would put on my big girl panties and give it my all.
Soon the Duggar daughters will be marrying and bringing their own children into the world. In my opinion it is time that the parents of the 3 baseball teams of kids stepped into their role of grandparents and give it all the gusto they've given their own children.

1 comment:

Paula said...

You bring up some valid points. When I watch their show I think that their life is fine the way it is. There are parents with less children who dont provide for them and probably give their children LESS attention than Momma Duggar is able to give her kids.
But on the other hand, I think by now she KNOWS when her fertile time is....would it be so bad to just restrain at that time? At what point is it "God's Will" versus "add another baby = more shows/income" I do think they ae good, Christian people and think they do a great job, but.... thats alot of mouths to feed, if you know what I mean!
And I agree about the grandparent thing!