Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Back, A Blog and A Bloog

Having spent the last 36 hours blown out of my mind on muscle relaxers I am finally struggling to return to some semblance of making sense.
For those of you who worried, my back is slowly but surely returning to normal. I seem to have this problem about this same time every year. I am beginning to think my mind is playing tricks on me as this is the timeframe that was spent lugging heavy camera equipment and standing for hours every day taking school pictures in my former life. My mind remembers, gets tired from thinking about it, sends a message to my back that it is time to take a holiday. So back packs a bag and goes out, leaving me to pick up the pieces. I have learned that the quicker I give in and cry "uncle" the quicker I will return to normal. I have tried pushing the envelope after a few hours of feeling better only to realize that back wasn't ready to return from vacation just yet.
Apparently, my rant about the Glade woman caused some of my friends to worry unnecessarily about my powers of cognitive thinking. Let me assure you that I had been silently holding a grudge against her for quite some time and just finally had enough. Just wait until I unload on the "local" commercial that features a youngster of maybe 10 singing completely off key and prancing around. She is surrounded by a group of her peers and some older people (maybe moms?) and they are all having the best time annoying us with their little venture into marketing. Honestly it appears they have shot this on their cell phones, uploaded it to U-Tube and then decided to publish it for the masses. The child's voice is not even in synch with her lips. The whole thing takes on a slightly surreal atmosphere that assaults the senses and causes blood to run from the ears. I was starting to think I was the only person who had seen this (see opening sentence) but today one of my sons mentioned it. Apparently, the only reason it isn't being spoken about a lot is that most people fling their bodies at the remote as soon as it appears on their TV screen. There are just some things that should be left to professionals. Brain surgery, pharmacy and TV commercials.
I know you have been dying for me to address the Bloog part of this post. The Bloog is an electronic cigarette. This was introduced to us by one of our sons who is giving it a go. I have been practically desperate to get Roger off the coffin nails for about 5 years, so to say I grasp at any and every possible solution is an understatement. Roger actually quit for a while thanks to Chantix, and Nicorette gum but he picked it back up again. Then he tried the Chantix again. I can't express how expensive Chantix AND cigarettes can get. But I digress, I have ordered the Bloog starter pack with a rather large refill system in my last attempt to wean Roger off of cigarettes. Now the Bloog is actually rather cool. It makes smoke, but you cannot smell it. The vapor it emits is not offensive at all which means he does not have to be banished to the garage to indulge. The cherry end of it is an LED blue color which is a bit disconcerting to see, but heck if it works I don't care if it glows purple and emits multi-colored rainbow smoke rings. These things are actually made so that you could use them in a restaurant or even on an airplane. They emit no carcinogens yet the smoker does get the nicotine they crave. Knowing my husband the way I do I am sure that he will A: lose it or B: leave it in a pocket and I will wash it. When either of these things happen, please do not log in to my blog for at least 1 week. The language and ranting will not be fit for public consumption. Forewarned is forearmed.
This is not part of my title but it sure gave me a smile. I received a letter in the mail today from one of my grandchildren wishing us a happy grandparents day. They had drawn a picture of their pawpaw and myself along with pictures of Bedy (Betty), Max and Jesy (Jessie) and at the bottom written in symbol code was the following:
(Peace sign) + (Heart) + (Smiley Face) = YOU ROCK
So how could anything possibly be wrong in my life. My grandchildren think I rock! Interesting because my grandchildren rock my world everyday. : )

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