Thursday, September 3, 2009

Making Decisions

I have come to a place in life where I need to make some really difficult decisions. These decisions will affect my life as well as others. I find the older I get the more I tend to procrastinate regarding hard and life changing choices. However, I have to now begin to move carefully, thoughtfully and prayerfully into some very hard areas.
I hope that all my friends will pray that God will give me clarity about what I need to do about all the things that are bringing stress into my world.
One of the things that I need to change is my own way of dealing with difficulty. I need to learn that I can't "fix" all the things that are broken. And I have to start protecting myself by not letting myself be dragged into toxic situations. I must take my own advice to my children and invest in those who invest in me. Learning that I can't make everything swell for everyone I care about is going to be very hard for me to deal with. However, I have to start insulating myself to some degree from people, things and situations that hurt me.
Thank you in advance for lifting me up.

1 comment:

Paula said...

I undrstand the feeling, Lavetta. WHen the whole Bryson thing happened, something inside of me changed. I realized life is so precious. I can not let other people's actions or misery bring me down. I can only try to be the best I can be, do what I can for others(remembering that I cannot CONTROL their reactions), forgive when it isnt deserved or asked, and flat-out give people and myself the benefit of the doubt and move on from difficult situations. Anyway,just thought I'de share my experience....praying for you...