Saturday, January 17, 2009

Such a Pretty Fat

Seriously, anyone who is weight challenged needs to read this book. Jen Lancaster is a total riot and I'm sure she must be my long lost younger sister. Her books are the type that you can consume in a day because you simply can't stand to put them down. Her other books are "Bright Lights - Big Ass" and "Bitter is the New Black". Try reading one and you will have to read them all.
I just finished "Fat" and she just may have inspired me where all else has failed.
On another note....Grandson's all region band concert was today and goodness can those kids play! I am constantly amazed at how a group of kids who don't play together daily can produce such lovely music in such a short time. They played an arrangement of Be Thou My Vision (which is my favorite hymn) that brought tears to my eyes. I am just splittingly proud of Kody and I pray he will be able to take his musical ability and use it for a great life.
Don't know what is up with me but right now I feel like all my nerve endings are sitting on the outside of my skin. No, it isn't too much Tylenol PM, I don't take them very often. I'm afraid one of the characters out of my dreams will appear in real life. I really think that my worry factor is at critical mass and my frustration level is falling .5 point under that. I need a get-a-way before I pull a run-a-way. I should totally have a T-shirt that reads "You are hitting on my last nerve!"
Guess I'll trot my fat butt off to bed and hope for a better tomorrow. Go away winter....I'm tired of you now.

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