Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cherry Chops....yum, yum!

I made the stuffed pork chops for lunch today and what can I say? They totally rocked!
They were very different, but quite good. Sort of like something you would try at a restaurant you'd never been to before. I am really enjoying trying some new culinary arts.
Tomorrow I begin the frenzied holiday cooking extravaganza. I like to get all my stuff made in advance and then just pop things in the oven as time grows short. I am really hoping for nice weather so we can utilize the garage as an overflow room. My house sure gets little in a hurry once everyone arrives.
We did get the garage heater installed today. I guess the plumber must have got air in the gas lines because when I went to take a bath this evening there was no hot water and I had to re-light the water heater. Made me very angry, I wanted to have a nice long soak before the finals of "Dancing With the Stars." Oh well, I'll just have a nice warm tubby right before bedie-bye.
To all my friends and loved ones who pop by from time to time to check on the Cherry Bowl, have a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember you are my blessings.

1 comment:

Lmiyagi said...

Hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving with all the family. Wanted you to know I sent what you wrote about there is a God to several of my friends. They thought it was great and fine writing too. Love You Linda