Friday, October 3, 2008

Too Pooped to Pop!

Well, after an eventful 2 days in the nursing home, Grandpa is back in his own place. The nursing home kept breaking him so everyone decided he was better off in his own digs. I have worked a ton the last 2 weeks doing stuff for Terry and cleaning for Kaylee and I'm pretty well done in. Roger has spent way too many nights away from home with no rest and I know he's exhausted. Hopefully we will have a very low key weekend. I will be on Edwards Littles duty next week while darling daughter is in Bean Town for training.
My week was upsetting on lots of levels but perhaps the most upsetting was the realization that my new business venture was shaping up to be a train wreck. Somehow the wheels I set in motion became someone elses' idea of a way to "screw" me. I'm really tired of this whole mind set that I'm not smart enough to know what is going on. And....lie to me once....shame on you...lie to me twice....shame on me! I am not ever going to give someone the opportunity to lead me down the primrose path again. So I have shut the door on that and I'm not looking back.
I am pretty tired tonight so my post is short. No one ever reads this thing anyway but I really enjoy having the chance to capture my thoughts. Sweet dreams to all and to all a goodnight!


Unknown said...

I read, just not always comment

LKB said...

Glad that you read, but you know how everyone loves to know that someone cares. I hope you have a wonderful trip. Don't worry about the girls, I'll make sure they don't go to school looking tooooo much like orphans. LOL