Friday, October 10, 2008

Week and WeakEnd!

Yep, I know I misspelled it but it is true my end is weak! I have had a busy week this week. While darling daughter was on her trip to Boston I had the pleasure of making sure the "littles" were up and at school on time Monday through Thursday. It was quite an experience beginning with the fact that I am not used to arising from my warm and snuggly at 5:15 am. But I did manage to be on time so Matt could leave for work by 6:00. I usually did a load of laundry while waiting for the girls to arise and get their mojos working. They sort of like to veg on the couch after awakening for a while with their milk and watch TV. Then they are ready for breakfast. Genevieve is into Frosted Flakes so hers was easy. Audrey wanted toast with "white" butter and honey. This was a little trickier. Matt and Kaylee were almost out of butter so I had to put the butter tub in the microwave and melt what was there and pour it on her toast which meant she couldn't see it. That took some convincing that she did indeed have "white" butter. And to make matters worse I kept forgetting to take butter with me each morning. I did leave the container on the counter one day thinking Matt would notice, however, he very helpfully returned the empty butter container to the fridge :)
Hairdos were challenging because I'm just not used to doing anyone's hair which should be apparent by looking at mine. However, the girls and I bargained that they could have any kind of hairdo they wanted any day but Wednesday. Wednesday was picture retake day and I needed to make sure they looked good. This meant that Monday and Tuesday they both had 3 ponytails each!
Wednesday, Roger went with me to help since I knew hair was going to take longer than usual. We got them done in pretty good shape, left for school and the traffic was terrible and we wound up being maybe 2 minutes late but after pleading insanity with both their teachers they took pity on me and let it slide. However, I did find out later that the girls are supposed to wear shorts under their dresses which they didn't do and as a result got teased at school because someone saw their panties! Oooops, I felt just horrible about this. The big question was why Genevieve didn't tell me. Bear in mind this was the only day she didn't remark there was some required item of clothing that she was supposed to wear. If I had taken her to school wearing everything she told me she was supposed to wear she would have looked like she escaped from the circus. Wednesday was the day that Audrey told her Pawpaw his head was too big for my car and that it was going to bust out. Now everytime I try to get him to go somewhere in my car, he tells me his head is too big. Thanks Audrey for giving him a reason...he doesn't particularly like to go anywhere in my car because he can't smoke.
Thursday I cleaned house for Kaylee after dropping the girls off. I waited to do it on the day she was coming home so she would come back to a nice clean house. I know how nice that is after a long and tiring trip.
We are still on Grandpa B duty off and on. He is doing so much better at home than we could have expected. We are blessed that the whole nursing home debacle didn't cause anymore problems than it did.
We had big plans to work on finishing our house this weekend but now Roger is sick with a cold so I know that won't happen still yet again. And we have so many open spaces and holes right now that the little micey people are trying to come in and reside because it is getting downright chilly outside at night. So far I have trapped 2 of the little pests. I wish they would not make this necessary and stay on their own turf. After all, I don't try to live in their house, they shouldn't try to live in mine.
Shutting down now and going to bed. Maybe I can get good and asleep before Roger comes to bed and wakes me up with his fits of coughing and sneezing.
Cherry Kisses!

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