Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cherry Limeade

Life is like a plate of Chinese food, sweet and sour. Today Roger and his siblings and mother had to make the difficult decision to put his Dad in a nursing facility. Grandpa is still pretty sharp and has a decent memory and grasp of the day to day but he just is unable to be as mobile as everyone would like. I know how difficult this decision is for everyone concerned. All I can do is try to help Roger see the positive side of it. His dad is now literally minutes away from us and we can drop in on him several times a day. This also brings him closer to many of his granchildren and they also can run in and out and check on him. Once the facility realizes that he has many people who care and are prone to pop in and out, the quality of his care will be much better.
However, nursing homes are such depressing places that you hate to see someone you love have to endure them. To make matters worse, he knows where he is and he knows he is alone there. He cannot have overnight company which means Grandma can't stay with him.
We can only hope that he is able to get some strength and confidence built up in his own abilities where he and Tura can once again live together in their home. Must run for now, it is my night to babysit the Edwards Littles. More to come................

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