Thursday, October 16, 2008

All the news that's fit to print.....

There really isn't a lot going on right now. I filed for my unemployment yesterday and I feel mixed emotions about that. I hate being handed something for nothing, but then I also hate not having any $ to contribute to the common good of my household. And since Roger and I are both dealing with no insurance (blah, blah, blah, blah, blah) and neither of us are old enough to qualify for Medicare, we have to be able to buy medicine, etc. Anyhoo, my benefit will be more than I could make working an entry level job somewhere so...........
I don't know what is wrong with my foot, it hurts so bad I can hardly put it on the ground to walk. It seems to be worse in the mornings when I first get up but if I have to stand on it for any length of time, it starts to scream in protest. Perhaps it is telling me "Hey, fat girl, lose some weight!"
I have a Mary Kay inventory coming in (should be today). My MK business is funny, I will go about 3 months and not sell a thing and then Bam! out of the woodwork I'll do a 2-300 week!
The work for Bellah's is swiftly drying up, there won't be much more to do there after about the middle of November. Terry has been accepted to culinary school in France so he will be bound for Paree in Feb. I'm really thrilled for him.
Well, I have a hair appointment at 10:00 so I guess I'd better shake my tail feathers and scoot.

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