Sunday, October 5, 2008

Let's all have Cherry Fizzes!

Huge day yesterday in the accomplishments sector. Got all the laundry done and got some straightening up done in bedroom, office and both bathrooms. I really wish we could finish the remodel of the kitchen, it is really starting to wear on my nerves.
I'm really enjoying the housecleaning thing for Kaylee. I'm there alone except for Amber who just lays on the couch and watches (until I bring out the vacuum, then she goes on high alert). And, I am very appreciative of the fact that the Edwards family keeps it in good shape between visits. Typically there is little tidying to do and I can concentrate on getting the things done that really matter like laundry, dishes, vacuuming, dusting, & bathrooms. I love leaving it all nice and neat. I know that makes Kaylee feel better to come home to a nice clean house.
This week I will be taking G and A to school each day so I will have to drag my carcass out of the bed extra early. I am looking foward to it, they are usually really happy to go to school so that makes it loads easier for me.
My new business venture has taken a sudden down turn and I think I'm going to pull it off of life support. There is just something about my personality that seems to invite people to take advantage of me. I am just unwilling to put up with "crap" anymore so I'm going to let my potential "partner" take it and run with it if she can. I stay pretty busy with my own stuff anyway, unfortunately it doesn't pay worth a dang!
On a happier note, Roger's dad is really responding well to being back at home. Hopefully, we can all reach some conclusion about how to continue this type of treatment for him. How thoughtless we were to have not made sure that someone in the family was a nurse. We could really use one right now.
I'm going to run away from the blog right now. Perhaps I shall return if something truly exciting happens today. In the meantime, make your little darlings a cherry fizz. Put 2 fingers of cherry syrup (or raspberry or strawberry) in a tall glass, add 4 fingers of heavy cream and top off with ginger ale, 7-up, Sierra Mist, etc) stir and squirt some good ole canned whipped cream on top, give 'em a cherry garnish and a straw and let them enjoy!

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