Thursday, September 25, 2008

I'm living in a fish bowl!

I'm having one of those swimming round and round and getting nowhere weeks. My little fins are getting a wee bit frazzled. I've also experience not just a little bit of frustration in my ability to completely make bad situations worse. I'll swear I can do more harm with good intentions than most people who deliberately set out to destroy.
Personally, I am scared to death on more streets than I can name. I worry about how the current economic situation is going to affect my husband's brand new business. I worry about the fact that I don't have a job (my own fault, I realize) but none the less.....I worry about both Roger's and my health and the lack of health insurance. I went to Wal-Greens today to refill my thyroid medication and it cost $44.00 and the young man said "Just so you know, this isn't covered by your insurance." Well that ticked me off so I replied, "Just so you know, I don't have any insurance." Then when I went to pick it up, the girl ringing me out said, "Don't you have insurance?" Okay, that particular scab needs to be left alone for awhile. It is really starting to hurt when you pick at it.
I worry about my mom who just had a birthday, lives in Texas long and far away and got a birthday card from my ex-sister-in-law who included a picture of my mom's "boyfriend" with some other woman that had been published in the paper. Now, maybe it's just me, but I thought that was a little mean spirited. Considering the fact the picture was 4 or 5 months old and she had just seen this "family" member about 2 weeks ago and she never mentioned it. I think to send something like that in someone's birthday card was nothing short of evil. My mom has always loved this girl and treated her like her own daughter, no, cancel that....better than her own daughter. It really hurt my mom and then she found out that the woman lives about a mile from her, so obviously "boyfriend" has been making his trips to town really count! Consider that we are talking about people in their late 80s and this is sortof funny but it hurt my mom to think that he wouldn't tell her about something like that and that her friend would do something so thoughtless as to send it in her card without even saying anything about it. SCREAM!!!!!!
I worry about my children, my grandchildren, my friends and heck sometimes even people I hardly know.
I found out today that the father of a girl I had as a boy's club cheerleader many years ago, died suddenly last week from a bleeding stroke. He was still a young man and had a child still in high school. I just think that is tragic. And it makes me realize that you can never assume that you always have tomorrow or next week or next year to make things right with people, tell them you love them and try to make sure that you have no reason for regrets.
I'm really tired today, physically, mentally and emotionally. Roger is spending the night at the hospital again tonight which he really doesn't need to do since he just returned from a very tiring trip so I guess I'll put it to bed early, take my Advil PM and shut out the problems for just a little while. I have a booger of a week next week so I will need all my reserves hitting on all cylinders.
In closing, I would advise eating no cherries today....I'm pretty sure they will be rotten to the pits! Smoochies from my poochies.

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