Monday, January 4, 2010

Show Me The Funny

In the movie Jerry McGuire there was a famous line "Show Me The Money!" Lately, I have found that more important than financial satisfaction is the ability to find humor in one's daily life.
I find it amusing that my husband was rendered incapable of even the simplest tasks while I was in Texas. Apparently even the job of opening the mail exhausted him to the point of near hospitalization since he stopped doing it about 4 days into my hiatus and simply chose to pile it in an empty roaster pan in the garage.
I also find it funny that now that I am home with mom in tow - said husband is still too mentally and physically exhausted to "see" trash that needs to be carried. Dishes that need to be done. Laundry that needs to be folded. And cannot remember that at 5:30 in the morning - I am not yet ready to begin my day therefore, it would probably not be a good idea to drop the garage door requiring him to knock on the front door starting a chorus of barking that would wake the dead. AND I find it downright hysterical that I still have the ability to love him with every fiber of my being in spite of my extreme frustration with him.
I am humored at the inability of some people in extended families to see "the big picture." Instead of wondering what they could do to make things easier, they simply continue to think only of themselves and what makes their own lives work better. Piling your additional problems on a big steaming pile of difficulties will only serve to make YOUR problems stink right along with the rest of the challenges someone is facing.
I find it amusing that other than my 2 biological children and 2 biological grandchildren, none of the other members of my "family" could find the time to even place a call on their ever present cell phones to check on me. Likewise, with the exception of a few have not even been able to come by and see me since I've been home. I realize that the trip of mere blocks is the equivalent of taking a Conestoga Wagon across the vast untamed west, therefore they are forgiven.
I find it funny and poignant that my friends who did so much for me while I was away felt they did nothing. Do they not know that they kept me sane and kept me propped up when I was at my lowest point? But I also find it funny that this trait my friends exhibit so palpably is the purest evidence of their character. Instead of shouting from the rooftops about their contributions, they wish they would have done more.
I am amused at myself for never before viewing my most excellent daughter as a woman until this past month. But to find her capable and willing to step up into a role not of her choosing, was humbling AND inspirational.
I found it funny that my mom (who is not an animal lover) told me the other day that she was going in the living room where Jessie was. Jessie is my sweet little brown dog. Mom also told me that she loved Jessie. I think mom is learning the value of an animal in your life at the wonderful age of 82, isn't that funny?
I laugh daily at my mom. I never before realized what a good sense of humor she has. It is true there are some things she says which are a condition of her illness, but she still possesses the ability to laugh with me at the things that happen. For that I am most grateful.
Most of all, I find it funny that I still have this God given gift to find the humor in my life. I guess some people will find me "simple" in my ability to absolutely laugh my butt off at things that happen. But, really, what is my alternative. I could cry and wring my hands. I could go around looking as exhausted as a feel. I could make the whole world feel my pain. I could make everyone else miserable with my problems. And would this help? Would this help me? Honestly I don't think so. Please realize that there may be days when I will wring my hands, cry, stamp my foot, gripe at everyone and in general be a huge pain. Let me apologize now for this behavior. And let me promise that I will try with everything I have to only allow this briefly. For the most part, I hope to be upbeat, positive and seeking for the diamond in the cow patty. And please, as you love me, never forget to "Show Me The Funny!"


Donna said...

I thought about you tonight at JC Penny, when my Mom could not shop for herself, I went to Penny's to get her favorite brand of pants, "Donkey", she told me, only to ask everyone where they were, come to find out they were "Don Kenny", I wonder what will we do to entertain our children?
Laughing is much better than crying!

Paula said...

Good post;-)