Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Down On My Knees - Lifting You Up

Sometimes when you know people are having a difficult time and there is really nothing you can do to fix it, you are sad.

It hurts us to see people struggling, even if they are only people we know very little about.

One of the gifts God gave me is the gift of discernment and I am so grateful because I can usually tell when someone is wrestling with a problem. The gift of discernment helps me to remain outwardly focused and not internalize so much. Even when things are tough going for me - I almost always know when another is dealing with a worry.

It is in that moment I bend my creaky old knees and bow my greying head and lift that someone up to the ONE who already knows and can comfort them far better than I ever could.

If you are my friend, know that I pray for you, I lift you up and when I say I love you - I genuinely mean it.


Pura Vida said...

You are a dear friend for many

Pete said...

I love your genuine concern and love for your friends! May God bless you for being a blessing to so many! And today there are many who need His love and comfort.

Daniel R, said...

Right back at you sweet lady.

Kelly said...

You are the best...and many have you in their prayers as well friend.