Thursday, September 1, 2011

Has Anyone Here Seen My Good Friend Me?


I’m sure we all have moments when we feel invisible.  For some it primarily happens when they have enjoyed a bit too much beverage of the alcoholic persuasion.  Other people make a habit out of being invisible.  Standing on the fringes hoping no one notices them or makes mention of them.  They have the ability to “blend” into the scenery and when all is said and done – no one remembers they were there.

And then there are others who genuinely want to be a part of things and yet seem to be invisible in spite of their own desire.  People who want to feel like they have contributed and that their efforts were at the very least noteworthy.

I find it interesting that so many “humans” are motivated by something far less tangible than the all mighty $ sign.  How many of them want an “atta boy” every now and then.  They want their actions to matter.  In some ways we are a lot like our friend the dog.  They will stand on their hind legs, dance around like crazy, roll over and play dead, shake hands and speak for little more than a pat on the head and an occasional “good dog.”

As I get progressively older I find I need those strokes and pats far more than I used to.  I also find that I seem to be disappearing into the fabric of life with increasing frequency.  Perhaps this is why I write.  Perhaps, it is my own form of “atta boy”  - to leave something behind so tangible that when I am gone – someone might remember and know I was here.

And so I wonder…someday will you remember the sound of my laugh?  Will you remember that in spite of all my failings I genuinely tried to be a good person?  Will you remember that I had far more flaws than perfections, but that I worked on them every day?  Will you remember that while I aged, my mind and attitude remained young?  That the colors of my world were ever vibrant and happy?  That I loved with an intensity that scared me?  That I have many regrets but far more accomplishments that I am really proud of?  Will you remember if I cried?  Will you know for certain whether I cared for you or not?  Will you remember anything about me at all?  And now……do you even notice me today?  Do you notice ANYONE?  Do you really pay attention to the humanity swirling around you or are they all just bits and pieces of cellophane?  Things of some substance but transparent enough that you can look straight through and see what you really want to see.

Please God help me to always see the Cellophane People around me and help me to acknowledge their existence, praise their performance, shoulder their tears and celebrate their happy days.  Help me to keep my hand off my own back and at the ready to pat someone else’s head and tell them I noticed.

1 comment:

Debbie Frasier said...

I will always remember the sound of your laughter...I wish everyone's laughter was as beautiful and contagious...but more than the sound of your laughter,will be the sound of all the laughter you brought with your humor...always putting a smile on the faces of others!You are one special person Miss Lavetta!Love you!