Saturday, September 17, 2011

R.E.S.– P. E.C. T.


So according to one of our creative(?) toilet paper manufacturers and their always reaching for a new level of low advertising people – we are urged to


In other words – never, and I repeat NEVER are we to leave our “naked” toilet paper rolls sitting out in plain view.

Seriously, have we forgotten what toilet paper’s primary function is?  Is that respectful?  Perhaps the colorful and cutesy cover for our additional rolls is to prevent them  (the rolls) from seeing what will be their final mission.

What is next?  Perhaps some sort of lock box device where we must unlock our TP in order to use it.  That way it would be safe from the prying eyes of……………..other people who would perhaps use it as well.

I’ve been on tangent about TP makers in the past but this one…….almost…..leaves. me. speechless.

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