Saturday, May 12, 2012

Ten Things

So, it occurred to me today there are lots of things I have never done. So....I thought I would list a few.
10. Never flown in a helicopter (or jumped out of a plane).
9. Never been out of the U.S.A.
8. Never cruised (except in a car).
7. Never shot a gun or a bow and arrow.
6. Never been to jail (except as a visitor or while playing Monopoly.)
5. Never went deep sea fishing.
4. Never went snow skiing.
3. Never had "work" done on myself.
2. Never smoked marijuana.
But the # 1 thing I have never ever failed to do when the music played.


Pura Vida said...

I do not doubt that sister!

Kelly said...

I have not done MOST of those either (I have shot a multitude of weaponry LOL, and I have snow skied (not anymore) but never water skied)
I also DO believe in dancing when the music is playing...or even in the rain as the case may be.