Monday, May 28, 2012

Life was just a bowl of cherries.

Sooooooooo imagine my surprise to learn - after all these years - I was one of the "popular" girls in high school. Who knew?! Certainly not me. Had I have been apprised of that fact 45 years ago, I.Would.Have.Never.Sat.Home. on a Saturday night. I also probably would have never gone without lunch because someone must have been dying to buy my lunch and were just too shy to say so, because I was sooo intimidating - again, because I.Was.Popular. I say this with apologies to BR who actually did feed me lunch every day when we were dating. But, see I was so popular, I decided he was too good for me and broke up with him. And, he was.....and he still is. But, God isn't quite finished with me yet so I keep working. I sure wish I had known I didn't have to work so hard for things. My goodness.....people were hiding around corners with that silver platter full of good things and I was just too dumb to realize it. My only claim to fame was I hung around the "coolest" girl in school. She really WAS popular and good enough to let me exist in her orbit. You see, she KNEW. She knew what was going on with me and a lot of other people and cared enough to try to make things better. She knew that no one in a small town really knows what goes on behind the walls and windows of houses. So, just so you know. When I attach adjectives to myself, these are the ones I use most.........driven, insecure, impatient, funny, sarcastic, fair and easily hurt. Nope popular didn't come up. Neither did judgmental, narrow minded and vindictive. Just sayin'.


Pura Vida said...

You just honestly crack me up

Daniel R. said...

You were and are very popular.
Because you are real. Real as you can be and still maintain a place in this judging world of ours.
Keep on keeping on. DLR