Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Poppin’ Good Time


Today in my “what were they thinking?” category are the balloon wedding dresses.  This does not refer to a type or style……it means the dresses are actually constructed from balloons.

So, what happens when one sits down in these dresses.  How attractive to have your wedding or reception accompanied by the equivalent of the bridal party each having a sheet of bubble wrap.  I’ve always found bubble wrap to be a great stress reliever and maybe this is the reason behind these dresses.

What happens if there is a sudden shift in pressure or temperature?  Could the bride conceivably be left in her “scanties”?  Are the balloons filled with just good old fashioned air or are they helium filled.  Imagine the hysteria as the bride squeaks out her vows like a member of the Lollipop Guild in the Wizard of Oz.

I can see some interesting fun for the groom during honeymoon time.  Painstakingly popping each little balloon to get to the prize beneath.  It lends a whole new meaning to the song “Anticipation.”

I guess there will always be someone looking for a new way to invent the wheel.  However, I’m thinking there is a certain amount of discrimination at work here.  What about us girls of the “hefty” variety?  I’m thinking a dress for me would need to be made from the Hot Air Balloon material in order to withstand the stress of the structure it encompasses. 

Somehow I don’t see the possibility of ever remaking these dresses into First Communion outfits for the bride’s daughters.  And what about the impact on our environment from an increase in rubber entering our landfills.

Thoughts?  Comments?  Discuss among yourselves.

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