Friday, May 6, 2011

Take Me Out To The Ballgame!


My husband says even a bad day at the ballpark beats a pretty good day anywhere else.  For those who think that I have changed him let me assure you he has far more of an impact on me than the reverse.

Till there was Roger, there was no coffee, no baseball and very little cheese.  Now there is an abundance of all three.  We used to take a yearly trip to St. Louis to watch the Cards…then we became too busy to go and then….the poverty troll attacked and the fun died.

Now, there is my new job which in itself is a pleasure and a blessing but yesterday yielded up free tickets to a HOG game!  Pretty exciting, huh?  And yet, I had to force him to go.  This is how you can tell your husband is in a very dark and scary place.

But, I whined and pouted and slung enough dishes that he finally gave in.  And now….he is very glad he did…except for one little, tiny little, thing.  Our amazing Karma was in great health last night and in a NOT SOLD OUT ballpark, the most annoying jackass on the face of the earth managed to sit right next to us.  To make matters even worse he was root root rooting for the other team.

I just switched off the hearing aids, turned my back on him and refused to let him ruin my night.  But he was banging on every nerve Roger had left.

And then…..Karma switched places and we sent the Gators packing back to the swamp of the eternal stench for that evening anyway.

Something tells me the crazed Chatty Cathy doll missed the subtlety of a Karmic “gotcha”.  Even now, somewhere he is busily pulling his own string, running his pie hole incessantly and wondering why everyone around him have ears that are dripping blood.

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