Saturday, May 21, 2011

Rapturous, Frabjous, Joyous Day!


Okay, so maybe the “rapture” will happen today…..or maybe it won’t.  Right now most of the people I know subscribe to the theory that no one CAN or WILL know God’s timetable for planet earth.

But it might be nice if we could all dust off our very best behavior, put on clean suit of kindness clothes, take a couple of forgiveness vitamins and set forth in the world today as joyous, rapturous children of a loving God.

That old expression “live everyday as if it could be your last” rings pretty darned true today.  There will never be a better day to say I’m sorry to someone you’ve wronged, never be a better time to forgive someone who has wronged you.  It is a perfect time to start living the life you’ve been planning to for a while and just never took the time to start.

It’s also a great time to lay down your worries and your problems and do something fun.  Even if it means simply rolling around in the yard with your dog.  Find your pure, unadulterated FUN button and press it till your finger is sore.

As for me – I refuse to be overwhelmed by fear, regret and negativity.  A few weeks ago, I embarked on a new mind set and I find I am becoming a much happier person.    I am responsible for my own happiness and well being.  Others may contribute to the positive energy but I refuse to entertain any more negativity.  It is counterproductive to what I have to accomplish.

So have a Frabjous, Joyous Happy Day everybody!!!  Even though the “rapture” may not happen you can still be a Rapturous human being!!

1 comment:

bettysue said...

Yes ma'am!! You said it just right!! We should live today as if it's !! I love you!!