Sunday, August 23, 2009

Every Girl Needs a Puppy

Of course it is no secret that I believe one can never have too many dogs. However, one frequently has more dogs than one can afford. That being said, there is nothing like a puppy to lift the spirits.
From the moment I learned Genevieve was getting a puppy for her birthday, my excitement ran high. I looked at the picture of that puppy on the breeders website and anticipated the day he would become a fuzzy member of our family.
In order to keep him a surprise until the big "reveal", Roger and I drove to Hazen, AR to pick him up for Kaylee. Do you believe in love at first sight (or bite?) He was just too precious for words and he rode all the way back to Fort Smith in my lap. We had taken Jessie (our princess dog) with us and she was less than impressed. I could read her little canine mind "Oh crap - here comes another dog!" She wanted nothing to do with him. She was further incensed over the fact that he was residing with us overnight and horrors or all horrors he slept in the bed with HER mother!!!
Genevieve took him home on Sunday and Jessie was most relieved to see him go.
I had agreed to take him to work with me to work on his potty training so every morning he loaded up with me and off we went. Some days he came home with me in the afternoon and Jessie was still undone over his presence.
But suddenly a funny thing happened. We started to notice that Jessie was sulking and appeared to be very unhappy. We couldn't figure out what her deal was, sick, bored, any number of maladies that could be affecting our precious girl dog.
We decided to experiment - we went and got Charly and brought him to our house. Good grief! Jessie was euphoric - they played great games of Frisbee in the yard. Jessie running and catching - Charly laying flat in the grass waiting to ambush her on her return trip. Charly can throw amazing body blocks for a 6 lb. dog. And now, no frisbee game is complete unless Charly is here to participate.
If Jessie goes a few days without her puppy "fix" she is impossible. She genuinely loves that little dog and thinks that he belongs to her and her household.
So....I'm thinking there may be a puppy in my (er - Jessie's) future because every girl truly needs a puppy - even a girl dog.

1 comment:

Paula said...

See Im thinking every BOY needs a puppy. The boys want Mr Kitty to play so badly, but of course, he would rather just lay around and be loved on. This girl likes "easy to take care of" outdoor cats! But puppies sure are cute too;)