Saturday, June 6, 2009

Daily Rant - Opinionated People

You know that old saying "opinions are like a body orifice - everyone has one." ? Well, what drives me nuts are people who just have to not only have an opinion but share it with you on EVERY LITTLE INSIGNIFICANT THING!!!!. I mean seriously people is this some sort of personality flaw within you that makes you think that you are right all the dad gummed time?
Saying that, I realize that Blogging by design is inflicting your opinion on others. However, in the Blog world if you choose to not know someone's opinion you can abstain from reading. But those people who can and will make sure you know their opinion on every little detail of something cannot be avoided.
I also find it interesting that people who insist on making their opinions known all the time usually do so in a very critical manner. Second guessing and demeaning someone elses' every thought, word and deed is tiresome and damaging to one's self-esteem.
There is a real talent in sharing your knowledge and skills with others without laying waste to their egos. However, I have found that more often than not, people who do this are typically not terribly skilled in the things they are offering their wisdom on. But BY GUM they will open their pieholes and tell you how you could have done it better, faster, cheaper, etc.

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