Friday, September 14, 2012

Besame Mucho

A friend of mine asked me if I would be willing to do a product review for her on an anti-aging lip product called Theraderm Anti-Aging Lip Complex. Hello......anti-aging?, more kissable lips?, I.THINK.SO.

The product arrived today so this is my initial review and reaction. This product smells FANTASTIC!! I couldn't wait to get it on my I started my test drive right in the post office parking lot. When I arrived home, my husband said "what smells so good?" well, honey, that would be me and my increasingly kissable lips!

I can tell already this is going to beat the socks off of any other lip balm I've come in contact with so I can't wait to really get into this product and see what it does for this old gal's pucker.

Stay tuned......for Puckerupdates! But if you can't wait to try it yourself, message me and I'll hook you up with a connection.

1 comment:

Daniel Richardson said...

Who doesn't need a better pucker upper?! Where do I get it ?