Saturday, August 11, 2012


Not the kind that we all need so badly. And not the negative "oh, rain on you!". Raining down my face. I am reminded of an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond when he looks in the window and sees his wife sitting on the sofa, crying. Interestingly enough, Raymond (un-evolved) as he is was SURE he had done something wrong to make the light of his life unhappy.

Turns out, after a lot of hysterical trying to make her happier, he finds she sometimes just likes to cry. In fact, she plans it. She gets a nice big box of tissues, makes herself comfortable on the couch, turns on Ice Castles and cries, and weeps.............and sobs. It makes her feel better.

Unfortunately, I have come to know that when you actually HAVE good reason to cry, it DOES.NOT make you feel better. It makes you sick, and you feel hopeless. It makes your head hurt. And yet, when there is reason to do so, cry you must. It is almost like being sick at your stomach, the only thing that will remotely help is to get it out.

It won't fix anything and chances are no one will really give a hoot in helicopter, but cry on. If God had not wanted us to cry, he wouldn't have given us tears nor the challenges that make those tears necessary.

1 comment:

Pura Vida said...

I hope you aren't sad, but I fear you are