Friday, December 3, 2010

From The Ridiculous To The Pond Slime

Seriously, I am in so much of a dither over the state of our country I fear I am in danger of harming myself from beating my head into the corner of the wall.
Just when you think the people who represent us in Washington cannot possibly get any more clueless they surprise you.
I was already all worked up over the woman who wanted to have the ban against wearing hats on the floor of our auspicious governing body lifted. Now in all their wisdom the people who should be worrying about no jobs, high taxes, no unemployment, homelessness, lack of medical care for all the people affected by the aforementioned have moved to make our world a safer place.
They have actually passed legislation to rid us of those annoyingly loud TV commercials. We no longer can be trusted to dial down the sound or take subtle pleasure in muting things we don't like hearing - they will do it for us. They actually interviewed one of these lofty protectors of the lowly who said, and I quote, "if I had a dime for everyone who has asked me where is the bill for this - I would be a rich woman." Really?! Really!
One has to wonder how this happened. Were a few of them out to dinner with cosmopolitans and finger foods when someone remarked, "you know what annoys me? - Those loud obnoxious TV ads." OMG - Those drive me crazy. Me too. Someone should do something. Well, we have been elected to be the protectors of the great unwashed (thanks Denise I love this description of us in general.) And a bill was born and passed. What's next - Is Hattie the Hat Freak gonna decide that she doesn't like blue cars and try to pass a bill banning the color blue from the car paint palette? Or maybe they will decide that it is unhealthy to have a TV altogether. We should tread carefully here people. When the focus shifts to protecting us from ourselves we are at risk of losing far more than we gain.
And just how much did this little piece of tripe cost us today?

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