Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Are you kidding me?

Sometimes things happen that just make me stop and wonder.....HUH? I've known for a very long time that we live in an instant gratification world where everything has to be fast and above all EASY.
Gone is the time of my Dad who would admonish me that anything worth having was worth working toward and waiting for.
I confess that I also slip into the "I want what I want when I want it" frame of mind but there is usually someone or something that snaps me back to reality.
My rant today is about the laundry product that you can drop in the washer and then in the dryer with the wet clothes and it "does everything but fold."
Exactly how lazy (or busy) have we become that the mere task of measuring laundry soap and fabric softener can completely wreck havoc on our daily scheduling. And truly that woman that does the commercial makes my hand literally itch to slap that silly complacent smirk off her face.
Maybe it is just me - but if I miss the rinse cycle with my fabric softener (which I rarely use) there's always the option of pouring a little on a washcloth and tossing it in the dryer. Or just count on my "oh so dependable" dryer balls to do the work for me. I actually prefer the little blue spiky balls because they don't leave an animal fat coating on my clothing.
Done with that now. I'm sorry I haven't been blogging much lately, I have been completely immersed in FarmTown.


Paula said...

wondered where ya been...I hear FT can suck you in, so Im staying away!

Donna said...

Paula, you need Latte Land, the coffee shop for Moms! I may check it out.

Kaylee said...

I had a dream about these the other night. I guess that dream meant I want to try them,